Переход на SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 (SLE200)


Кому следует посетить

This course is designed for SUSE Linux Enterprise administrators who have worked with previous versions, the main focus being the transition from SLE 12 to SLE 15.

Предварительные требования

This course is designed for students with previous SUSE Linux Enterprise Server experience equivalent to ! , although intermediate experience with any Linux distribution will be sufficient.

Цели курса

Attendees will be taught introduced to the following changes to SLE 15:

  • Installation and AutoYaST changes
  • Infrastructure changes including chrony and firewalld
  • Core changes to the Linux kernel, OpenSSL and libstorage
  • Changes for developers: SDK, GCC7 and scripting languages
  • Additional changes to the OS
  • Upgrading to SLE 15 from previous versions

Содержание курса

This course is designed to introduce the new features, functionality and procedures for administering SUSE Linux Enterprise 15.

Attendees will learn how SLE 15 differs from previous versions of SUSE Linux Enterprise, and how those changes will affect the way it is deployed and used.

Цены & Delivery methods

Очный формат (в классе)

1 день

  • on request

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